Friday, December 21, 2007

Why is there so much killing?

I see it all the time on the news, in fact I have a blog about it ( Why is there so much killing? Why are people so angry, things weren't this bad before. I can tell you some of the reasons. The first thing one needs to do to find the answer is look at what is different between now, and when things were more peaceful. Firstly, men and women are both working full time jobs to make ends meet, so no one is home to watch the kids. The cost of living has outpaced wage increases in an absolutely ridiculous manner. And, the most important in my opinion, people have abandoned Christian belief and morals.

Let's start with working. Men and women are both part of the work force, which isn't a bad thing -- as long as they don't have kids. Unfortunately for most kids their parents do both work, and they are left with the "Electronic Babysitter", the television. Mind you that the television, video games, and computer games do not endorse Christian morals in any kind of way.

Now when I say Christian morals, what do I mean? Not killing, loving people for who they are, not loving money, not having premarital sex, not doing drugs(Idol Worshipping), and just about any other thing that parents don't want their children doing. The television, movies, and games almost completely promote these things. And worse yet, they GLAMORIZE them.

It's expensive to live and with average jobs you need two to live on. It is now inexcusable financially to only finish high school, unless facing poverty everyday is your goal. The paradox is many people can't go to school for many reasons. I'm pretty hard nosed when it comes to peoples' decisions. What I mean by that is yes, I understand that many people make bad decisions, but I will admit that there are some people who are born into circumstances beyond their control and they will be unable to go to college, or even finish high school if they are lucky!

The third topic I will address I feel very strongly about. People have put so much time and effort into making God their enemies. They want Him out of government, the want Him out of schools, they look at you funny if you mention His name, but as soon as something bad happens they say "If there truly was a God, then where was He?" Well, I'll put it into the words of Billy Grahams Daughter: "I believe God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?"

People want their kids to follow the rules set forth in the bible but they don't want them to read the bible. They don't want their kids to read the bible or go to church but they won't teach them how they are to act because they are at work trying to earn money to buy presents for a holiday that represents the birthday of a loving Savior that they refuse to acknowledge. How do you expect these kids to turn out? They do what they know, and in TV. and video games that means sex and violence.

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